Channel: Flowering Heart 플라워링하트
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: magic플라워링 하트어린이flowering heart플로링하트꿈러브라이브플라워링하트마법소녀아이돌학교마술tween anime마법floweringheartanispelltween animationgirl animationgirl애니tweenlove live변신 소녀변신여아 애니메이션animation for tweens직업직업체험anime
Description: 🌸 Click here to subscribe our channel : The amazing Confess Your Heart Day event that the girls were preparing gets sabotaged thanks to Shuel's interference. Ari ends up giving up on her plans and cries her eyes out at home. Tubby can't bear to see the always happy and positive Ari in tears... 🌸 Click here to watch more videos of Flowering Heart :